Technical Support
for Families
The DOE is launching a family-facing Remote Learning Technical Support ticket system. Families (or someone on their behalf) can submit requests for technical support for a broad range of issues, including application support, lost, stolen, or broken devices, and delivery status, though the Technical Support for Families page.
Remote Learning Device Request

To help students stay connected during emergencies, the DOE is lending internet-enabled iPads to support remote learning for students. If you would like to request a device for an NYC student in your family, please fill out the form below. The DOE will use the contact information you provide to get in touch with you regarding the delivery of your device.
There is no deadline for this request, please fill out the form today to get a device for your child.
Free Wifi Services

We would like to share with you this important information in case you or someone you know needs and want to take advantage of this opportunity. You need to call them and talk to them about your situation in order to get the services.